那物理治療到底是怎麼幫助到各位呢? 癒健物理治療所提供完整的疼痛功能評估,透過系統化實證鑑別的方式,來設計個別化物理治療及運動計畫、徒手治療、動態脊椎調整等方式,協助民眾提升生活品質,享受美好生活。 Physiotherapy, is a use of physical way to treat physical function problems. So there will not be any injection of medicine and other invasive medical methods. How can we help you in the end? We provide a complete assessment of the pain and function via differential diagnosis of physiotherapy in order to design individualized sports programs, manual therapy, dynamic spinal adjustment, etc., to help people improve the quality of life and enjoy a better life. |
榮獲十大物理治療師獎 |
身體的疼痛從來都不僅僅是單純的痛,我們希望物理治療除了能幫助您解決身體的問題,更希望能找出疼痛的原因,進而擁有更好的療效。 為了達到以上的目標,我們結合多專業合作,提供更完整的醫療及健康資訊,讓您進入這個家時,能真正的遇見健康。 Pain is more complicated than we thought, so we hope finding the causes of the problems to have better treatment effects, not just help you solving your problems.. To reach the goal, we provide more comprehensive medical and health informations via multi-professional cooperation, and let you become health again when entering this home. |
家的溫度 Lovely House來到癒健,我們希望可以讓您將緊繃的忙碌輕輕放下,放慢腳步,聽聽我們對物理治療的看法,看看我們提供的健康訊息,聊聊您對疾病所期待的目標。除此之外,一對一的物理治療環境給您絕對的就醫隱私。少不了的重要環節,“運動空間“提供完整的訓練服務,幫助您在功能上的重建與強化。
Come to this space, we wish to let you feel comfortable and relax and to slow down the pace via this warm environment. Listen to our views on health, receive the health information we provide, and talk about your expectations about your problems. In addition, we ensure your privacy through one-on-one treatment environment. Last but not least, we provide complete training services to help you in reconstruct function and strength. |
106 台北市大安區金山南路二段146號3樓 (永慶房屋樓上) 3F., No. 146, Sec. 2, Jinshan S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106 , Taiwan (R.O.C.) |
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Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/EmpowerPhysiotherapyClinic/ 癒健官方LINE: @mvi5010h 官方IG:@empowerptclinic |